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How to Transport Environmental Waste Safely

Environmental waste is a broad category of waste that includes many wastes and byproducts, including liquid waste, debris, spent oil and hazardous wastes. Improper transport of these wastes, especially hazardous waste, can negatively impact the environment and lead to significant fines.

So how can you transport your environmental waste securely, efficiently and in accordance with the law? In the guide below, we'll discuss how waste is transported, who can transport hazardous waste and how to make sure your environmental waste undergoes safe, compliant, environmentally conscious disposal.

What Is Hazardous Waste?

Hazardous waste consists of discarded products and materials that could cause serious harm to human health or the environment.

Hazardous waste can come from many sources. Some batteries constitute hazardous waste, and so do some industrial byproducts and medical wastes. Many pesticides, herbicides, cleaners, paints and solvents are classified as hazardous waste as well. 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies hazardous waste into a few different categories: 

hazardous waste treatment began in the middle of the 20th century

A History of Hazardous Waste Treatment — What You Need to Know 

Hazardous waste treatment began to receive increased attention in the middle of the 20th century because of rising public health safety concerns. Increasing solid waste generation, decreasing space in which to dispose of that waste, skyrocketing disposal costs and public worries about the location of new landfills too close to homes and businesses all necessitated changes to the handling of hazardous waste. 

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 governs all aspects of hazardous waste. Under the RCRA, the EPA has the authority to regulate hazardous waste from the cradle to the grave. From the waste's creation through its transport, treatment and storage, and finally to its disposal, companies are responsible for handling their waste safely, responsibly and in an environmentally sound way. 

The passage of the RCRA allowed the EPA to create a framework for the safe transportation and processing of hazardous waste. Under the RCRA, the EPA developed policies, regulations and guidelines to ensure safe hazardous waste management and cleanup, as well as to promote programs encouraging waste reduction and reuse.

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)

In 1986, the passage of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, also known as Superfund) created a federal superfund to clean up toxic waste sites, along with hazardous spills, leaks and other discharges. 

Under CERCLA, the EPA has the authority to investigate facilities and require them to cooperate in cleanup efforts when they are responsible for spills, leaks or improper disposal. This requirement gives hazardous waste generators an incentive to dispose of their waste safely and prevent discharges into the environment. 

Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments

In 1994, Congress passed a set of essential amendments to the RCA — the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments. These amendments included a new land disposal restriction (LDR) program. In addition to prohibiting land disposal of untreated hazardous waste and banning indefinite storage of hazardous waste, the LDR program required the EPA to specify acceptable hazardous waste concentrations for disposal and necessary treatment standards. It also prohibited companies from merely diluting their hazardous waste as an alternative to treating it properly. 

The LDR program set forth treatment standards that significantly reduce the toxicity of hazardous wastes and immobilize them, so they are less likely to leak. These regulations reduce the chances of contaminants' leaching into the environment and make the potential effects of such breaches less catastrophic. 

Hazardous Waste Treatment Today

The RCRA and its amendments are still in effect today — and safe hazardous waste transportation today is more vital than ever for keeping people safe and healthy. The U.S. population is larger than ever, so a hazardous waste spill could affect and sicken thousands of people. With urban expansion and climate change putting increased pressure on the natural environment, it's critical to make sure hazardous waste leaks and spills don't add to environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. 

staying compliant with toxic waste laws and regulations

Staying Compliant With Toxic Waste Laws and Regulations

Whatever your business or industry, it's essential to remain compliant with toxic waste laws and regulations. Staying compliant helps you protect your business' reputation, avoid penalties, and ensure that your wastes have minimal adverse impacts on human health and the environment. 

The RCRA contains many regulations governing hazardous waste. Here is an overview of a few key requirements — we encourage you to read the applicable sections of these regulations in greater detail to understand how they apply to your facility and its waste. 

Hazardous Waste Transportation and Transporters

Hazardous waste transporters move hazardous waste from one facility to another. They may travel over highways, waterways, railroads or air routes and use trucks, tankers, trains, barges and other vehicles. They often transport waste from the facility that generates it to a place that can recycle, treat or dispose of it safely. They may also take treated waste to a more specialized facility for additional treatment that will allow for waste disposal according to the law.

The process of hazardous waste transportation involves picking up hazardous waste from the generating facility, transporting it by land, air or water, sometimes holding it in a transfer facility, and delivering it to a treatment or disposal facility. Transporters must maintain accurate manifests, make sure hazardous wastes are labeled appropriately and store the wastes in approved Department of Transportation (DOT) containers at any transfer facilities they use. 

Transporters play a critical role in the life cycle of hazardous waste because they help the waste get safely to a facility that can dispose of it without jeopardizing public health or harming local ecosystems. Hazardous waste transporters must follow a few different steps to remain in compliance as they operate:

So, how is biomedical waste transported? Transporting biomedical waste, such as chemotherapy waste, soiled bandages, used gloves and contaminated needles, comes with its own set of requirements. For transport, facilities must typically categorize their medical waste by color — red containers for sharps, red bags for regulated hazardous medical waste, yellow bags for chemotherapy waste and so on. In many states, biomedical waste must always remain separate from other types of waste during transport and storage. 

Before 1997, more than 90% of biomedical waste was incinerated. But since incineration can seriously degrade air quality, the EPA now maintains Hospital Medical Infectious Waste Incinerator (HMIWI) standards that limit incineration. More medical waste now undergoes steam sterilization, microwave treatment, chemical and mechanical breakdown and pyrolysis — a specific type of thermal decomposition. 

When your facility plans to transport biomedical waste or any other hazardous waste, hiring professional help is imperative. A professional hazardous waste transport company can give you the peace of mind of knowing your waste disposal will be safe, efficient and ethical and will keep you in compliance with federal regulations. 

how is toxic waste disposed of

How Is Toxic Waste Disposed Of?

Disposal facilities can dispose of toxic waste in a few different ways:

Hazardous Waste Treatment

Some toxic waste many require treatment before it is ready for disposal. In this case, a few different treatment options are available: 

partner with VLS

Partner With VLS for All Your Environmental Waste Disposal Needs

To see the benefits of a professional waste disposal company for your facility, contact VLS. Our environmental waste transport services will keep you in compliance with federal laws and help you dispose of your waste safely, responsibly and in an environmentally conscious way. As industry leaders in waste disposal, we want to help you find the innovative disposal solutions you need, and we have the technology, experience and problem-solving expertise to get you there. 

Contact us today to learn more.

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VLS Environmental Solutions
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19500 Hwy 249, Suite 440
 Houston, TX 77070