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Waste Containers and What Is Inside

Waste management is just one part of keeping a company running — and it's a critical one. If your business generates waste, you'll need a practical way to handle it safely. A smaller, more commercially focused company may need a way to figure out what the garbage man will take from the curb each week. Industrial facilities — especially those that produce hazardous waste — may need to consult with professional disposal services to handle large volumes of challenging waste. 

This waste management program should include maintaining your waste containers as well as what's inside them. An effective program can make your workplace safer and reduce the possibility of receiving penalties when you have an inspection. The guide below will discuss a few different waste container requirements and provide tips for keeping these receptacles clean and in good condition for inspections.

Understanding Waste Container Requirements

The waste containers used at commercial and industrial facilities must meet certain requirements. For instance, facilities must use approved, clean and sturdy containers and apply the appropriate waste labels to them. The containers must meet the required specifications according to the most recent codes and regulations. 

Different requirements exist for various types of waste depending on whether it is toxic or not. What is a toxic waste plant? Toxic or hazardous waste is any waste that could harm the environment or human health. Facilities that produce these wastes are hazardous waste generators and are subject to additional restrictions.

waste container types

Waste Container Types

The following are a few different types of waste containers your facility may need to use: 

General Guidelines for Waste Containers

Below are a few guidelines you should follow with all your waste containers: 

Labels for Waste Containers

You'll need to label your waste containers appropriately to provide essential information about the type of waste they contain. If your waste is hazardous, follow the Department of Transportation's guidelines for correct marking, labeling and placarding. You'll need to include markings, labeling and placarding if the waste is any of these:

You should also indicate the correct orientation of the waste containers — which side is the top, for instance. 

amount of waste permitted in facility containers

Amount of Waste Permitted in Facility Containers

How much hazardous waste can you place in a container? With hazardous waste or acutely nonhazardous waste — waste that could be incredibly toxic to people's health or the environment — the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits the volume of waste that facilities can keep on their premises. It also restricts the length of time the waste can remain there. The EPA breaks waste-generating facilities down into three different types: very small quantity generators (VSQGs), small quantity generators (SQGs) and large quantity generators (LQGs).

1. Very Small Quantity Generators

The EPA defines VSQGs as facilities that produce 220 pounds (100 kilograms) per month of hazardous waste or 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) per month of acutely hazardous waste. VSQGs cannot store more than 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms) of waste in their containers at one time. They also have to identify all the hazardous waste they accumulate and make sure it gets to a person or facility that can dispose of it correctly. 

2. Small Quantity Generators

The EPA defines SQGs as facilities that produce less than 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms) but more than 220 pounds (100 kilograms) per month of hazardous waste. SQGs can store hazardous waste in their containers without a permit for up to 180 days. That limit extends to 270 days if the facility plans to ship the waste more than 200 miles. However, the facility must never accumulate more than 13,228 pounds (6,000 kilograms) of hazardous waste in its containers at one time, and it must store its waste in standard containers or tanks. 

3. Large Quantity Generators

The EPA defines LQGs as facilities that produce 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms) or more of hazardous waste in a month or 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of monthly acutely hazardous waste. Generally, LQGs can accumulate an unlimited amount of waste in their containers but must store it for only 90 days. They can use standard containers, tanks, drip pads or containment buildings. 

Container Guidelines for Select Waste Types

Follow these guidelines to keep the waste containers you use for different types of waste acceptable for containment:

1. Liquid Wastes

Below are a few ways to make sure you've stored your liquid waste properly:

2. Dry Wastes

The following are a few ways to make sure you've stored your dry wastes properly:

3. Chemical Wastes

Below are a few ways to make sure you've stored your chemical wastes properly:

4. Yard Waste

If your facility has expanses of lawn to mow or trees and shrubbery to maintain, it probably generates substantial amounts of yard waste. The requirements for yard waste containers are likely to vary locally. Below are a couple ways to make sure you've stored your yard waste properly:

maintaining your waste containers

To maintain your waste containers properly, consider following these steps:

Loading Waste Containers Properly

To get the most out of your waste containers, you'll first need to load them correctly. Below are a few tips for proper waste container loading: 

Avoiding Common Violations

During a facility inspection, a few common violations often come to light. These violations are largely avoidable if you monitor your facility regularly and engage sufficient waste transport services:

make vls environmental solutions your trusted waste disposal partner

Make VLS Environmental Solutions Your Trusted Waste Disposal Partner

To gain the peace of mind that comes with letting experienced professionals handle your waste containers, partner with VLS Environmental Solutions for responsible waste disposal

Because we are a full-service environmental company, we can dispose of various types of waste, treating them in our specialized facility before sending them on for landfill disposal. We also pride ourselves on our keen industry insight, sustainable practices and environmental responsibility and awareness. When working with us, you can rest assured your waste disposal is compliant with all applicable requirements and you're doing your part to keep the earth green and healthy for future generations.

Contact us today to learn more. 

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 Houston, TX 77070